Introducing Catherine Bachelier Smith founder of CBS Lifestylist

Introducing Catherine Bachelier Smith founder of CBS Lifestylist

Today we’d like to introduce you to Catherine Bachelier Smith founder of CBS Lifestylist, a California-based event, wedding and wardrobe styling business and a lover of Skin Resource.MD

Skin Resource: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Catherine: I am a triplet girl from a small town called Nogales on the border of Arizona and Mexico. I dressed exactly like my sisters until I was 17 years old - (a senior in high school)! I think this justifies my obsession with clothing and how to identify yourself. Although it was fun, for the first 17 years of my life I was identified as a TRIPLET not an INDIVIDUAL. I love helping men and women “find” themselves and then express their individuality through their clothing. It means a great deal to me that I style YOU - not a clone of someone else. I want you to look like you and to feel like you in the most flattering way possible.

SR: What was your motivation for starting CBS lifestylist?

C: How can someone have two life obsessions? Wardrobe styling and Wedding styling?? I thought I had to choose one or the other to be truly successful until I realized, “I AM both!!” I rebranded my CBS Weddings to CBS Lifestylist to incorporate the two equal halves of my heart. Now I have been styling people and parties for nearly 10 years. My heart is full!!

SR: What are some skincare challenges/insecurities you’ve faced throughout your lifetime?

C: In high school I had terrible acne. I don’t mean a pimple or two. I mean a face full of red, painful zits. Not only did my acne hurt my spirit, it actually hurt! My skin was sensitive and painful! I worked with natural products that I could scrounge up in my mother’s pantry: oatmeal & honey as a mask. I used cucumber slices to cool my skin, and sat over boiling water to open up pores before washing my face. When I was introduced to Skin Resource.MD I had a huge nostalgic moment: This is just like the natural products I used as a teen to remedy and repair my skin!

SR: What is your favorite Skin Resource.MD product and why?

C: The sunscreen!!

Hailing from Arizona and it’s powerful sun, I decided in my early 20’s that sitting out and baking my skin was not the way to protect it. So I began wearing sunscreen everyday as a foundation not only for my face, but my entire exposed body (neck, arms, legs, etc.) ever since.

I love the way Skin Resource.MD sunscreen is a solid protector without feeling greasy and heavy. It almost feels like a moisturizer!

SR: Why Skin Resource.MD ?

C: Let’s bring back my story of my teenage acne problems: I had to solve my own acne problem because there was no money or resources to see a dermatologist. I was empowered to take care of my skin. I used safe and non-irritating products that were accessible to me at the time. Fast forward to now: Skin Resource.MD is the grown-up, professional, dermatologist created and responsible skincare line I was meant to use!!

SR: What is one of your favorite things about yourself?

C: My quest to always improve. I’m always humbled by the fact that I can still learn more about myself and be better yet still feel great about myself at the same time.

SR: What makes you feel most beautiful and what does beautiful mean to you?

C: I have always loved dressing up. It’s my happy place. So every month my husband and I get gussied up and go on a date to celebrate us. Every vacation we take with our two boys, we set a night aside to spruce up a bit and celebrate being a family. We value the act of dressing up because life is about making the ordinary extraordinary.

C: The word beautiful has changed its meaning for me over the years. I used to think beautiful was someone who “looked” good. Now I realize that beautiful is when someone “is" good.

SR: How do you practice self care?

C: I exercise twice per week. I drink lots of water. I eat plenty of vegetables and fruit each day. I hug my sons as often as I can. I smile a lot. AND, I wear sunscreen every day!!


Thanks for tuning in!

You can find Catherine at:


Instagram: @CBSLifestylist

Facebook: CBS Lifestylist

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